Monday, October 5, 2015

Personal Project Review

Project: As Though Lost

  • What was the scope of the project?The scope of this short film was to film a video as a team. All of the entertainment classes worked on this and got together to film. It was very hard to stay organized with so many people on the job. Yes, it was like a real movie would be but with the crew made up of teenagers it was kind of hard. When it comes to cost it was kind of expensive to do because of costuming and props. We each sent out 3 letters asking for money and made about $2,500.

  • What was your process?Our process started at the end of first semester when we got our jobs and started planning. I was the costume designer so as this I started to come up with what each character was going to wear in each scene. This was kind of hard considering everyone had different opinions on what this should look like. Will, the director, and I had the same idea but our entertainment teacher did not so we had to meet her needs and ours, which was difficult.
  • What did you learn along the way? When it comes to technical learning, I learned how to use websites that involve how to lay costumes out for easy access. Professionally I learned how to work with a big group of people and experienced how long the planning, filming, and editing process takes.
  • What would you do differently? Why? If I was to redo this project I would have made it more organized at the beginning. I also wouldn't have changed the story line half way through. That really got people off and our whole class had no idea what was going on.
  • What would you do the same? Why?If I were to do this again I would probably keep the same story but give the characters different words. I enjoyed the idea of the story but it just wasn't portrayed as well as it could have been.
  • What experiences will you draw from to enhance your next project?I have drawn from the whole As Though Lost experience mostly including all of the bonding with my peers. I feel like working with almost the same set of people this upcoming year will be so much fun because I know the people I am working with.

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