Whip pan/Whip Cut: The camera is on one scene and to go to the next it whips creating a spinning motion.
Whip Zoom Look: Zooming in fast into a subject.
Search Up: This is a technique that starts at the subjects feet and makes its way to the subjects face.
Back to Front: The camera is focused in on something happening in the background and changes its focus to something closer to the camera.
Focus Out/Pass out: This is when the camera blurs out to a fade to black. This is somewhat like the subject passing out.
Focus Transition: This is when the lighting is altered to create a focus in effect. An example would be someone waking up to a really bright light that slowly dims.
Overexpose Fade: When the scene gradually becomes overly exposed to the point that the image is too bright.
Underexpose Fade: When the scene gradually becomes under exposed to the point that the image is too dark.
Ceiling Twist: When the camera is pointing upward toward an object of interest and rotates.
Shifting Angle: When the camera is tilted back and forth between scenes.
Sleepover: A birds eye view looking down onto the subject.